Sunday, June 26, 2011

México ganó La Copa de Ora Mundial de Fútbol 4-2

   I went out with 3 of my 4 housemates to the Zócalo tonight to watch the World Cup Soccer Game between USA and México tonight.  The crowd was amazing.  The game was projected onto a BIG screen for all to see. 

At the end of the first half, a rain storm came through. (we are officially in the rainy season here in's rained almost every night, which is wonderful, as the humidity isn't as horrible.)

 We all went to a tented area of a restaurant, Los Arcos, where we shared some spirits and ate ñoquis.  You're probably wondering what in the world those are, well, next time I go, I'll take pictures, but simply, they are like mashed potatoes rolled into little balls, and deep fried.  They are served with a picante dip, that's like Thousand Island salad dressing with a kick. 
The town is full of pride tonight, and despite the thunder and lightning, I've heard some fireworks.  People were running through the streets in the torrential downpour, screaming and smiling with pride.   

When the US scored, several of us cheered.  There are several schools for American students here and we felt very comfortable.  I did see some police driving around with their lights as we were leaving.....some people were probably fairly drunk. 

Me, I'm going to put my headphones on to drown out the thunder (never been a fan) and sleep.  Our two new roomates came today and so tomorrow, we're going to show them around town and give them advice.

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