Thursday, June 30, 2011

Todo está bien

Amigos:  I realize I've not written in a while.....with all the rain we're having, I'm learning about all the tropical storms and hurricanes that are coming on both coasts of Mexico.  No worries with me....we are pretty far inland so nothing is going to happen.  The streets are flooding daily and our house is getting flooded a bit, but nothing tragic.  We're sweeping water out of the floor on a daily basis. 
A week from Saturday I will be returning to WV.  I'm not sure what other excursions we will have as the enrollment for the school has dropped significantly. 
We visited an orphanage today.  It wasn't what I'd expected.....much better actually.  Many of the children are there because by being there, they will have a better life, and have a better chance to go to college.  I didn't take my camera because I was nervous about what I'd find, but it was like a large campus.  They raise animals for food, corn to make tortillas and much of their needs are donated.  The name of the place is Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos.  Apparently, there are other branches across Latin America.  Perhaps, another opportunity for our program to help out somewhere......more details later.

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