Monday, June 20, 2011

Spiritual Sunday

After sending my dad a virtual card for Father's Day, I headed out with my classmates to Cuicuilco in the center of Mexico City and then to Teotihuacán.  Did you know there was a volcano that overlooked Mexico City?  It's name is Xitle (pronounced sheet le.)  Throughout Mexico there are 8000 volcanos.  We were walking on lava rock.  From Cuicuilco we could see the volcano and I'll post pictures tomorrow. 

Cuicuilco is Nahuatl for "Place of Prayers and Songs." People would come to worship at these pyramids, often dressed in white.  They would perform what we would consider pagan ceremonies and many other rituals.  Now, it is prohibited to wear white, have lighters, incense, video cameras or anything that could be considered ritualistic.  (Our teacher, Charlie, who is sick with bronchitis, couldn't use his megaphone to talk.)  The people who worshipped here became known as the Mexicanidad.  The Catholic Church and local archeologists were afraid of them.  Ironically, the UNAM School for Archeology is directly across the street.

From there we headed to possibly the most famous pyramids of Mexico, Teotihucán.  I have some photos and video I'll post tomorrow, for now, I need sleep - school comes early in the am.

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